Japanglish Chat ハロウィンスペシャル!!!
The forgotten history of Halloween and how it relates to Obon. Japanese folk ghosts and monsters, also known as Yokai. Yokai profile - The Zashiki - warashi or child house ghost. Who can see this Yokai and Rie’s Zashiki warashi tale. Yokai Profile - Ittan-momen, the hilarious cotton underwear monster that causes bad luck. Yokai profile - Nurarihyon, the mystery Yokai who acts as an unwanted house guest. Yokai profile - Konakizizii the crying abandoned baby that quickly grows into an old crying adult. Yokai monsters in the Japanese animation of Hayao Miyazaki and modern classics like Naruto and Jujutsu Kaisen. Yokai street in the city of Kyoto. The hidden meaning and usefulness of Yokai.
・座敷童子 - チャイルドハウスゴースト。見た事がある人はいますか?
・反木綿 - 不運を引き起こす、綿のモンスター
・ぬらりひょん - 勝手に人の家に入ってリラックスしている謎の妖怪
・子泣泣爺 - 泣いている捨てられた赤ちゃん。すぐに大人に成長する
Halloween Documentary (English)
Rie’s Original Yokai Series
Japanese Yokai Vocabulary
Zashiki warashi - ざしきわらし (House Child)
Ittan momen - いったんもめん - 一反木綿 (small cotton) type of underwear
Kappa - かっぱ - 河童
Nurarihyon - ぬらりひょん - A guest
Konakizizii - こなきじじい - Fast growing from a baby to an old man
Nurikabe - 塗り壁 - ぬりかべ
Gegege-no-kitarou (Scary animation that made rie cry)- ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 - げげげのきたろう
Kitsune gao - Fox-like face - 狐顔 - きつねがお
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