And now for something completely different. Ok, I really didn't set out to write something like this tonight. It started innocently enough. I just wanted to go through sampling Logic's various software instruments. So I slapped in an ascending/descending A harmonic minor scale (I do love me some harmonic minor), set it to loop, and went around changing instruments for a while. Well, in the process of doing that, I ran across several texture/fx/noise instruments that sounded interesting. So this little songlet is made almost entirely of that simple loop copied and layered several times using different software instruments. And the sound at the very end is sheep baahing pitch shifted down an octave.
There's definitely a reason I named it "Weird Song 1." Don't say I didn't warn you. :P But I kept it short. I figured ~1 minute would be the most anyone could stand of it. :P
Weird Song 1 in A Minor