+ Morning Ritual Tips
Morning Ritual Tips and How to Be Happy and Why Morning Rituals are so Important. I’m often asked “How Rituals Work?” or “Why Routines are Important?” so today I felt that this would be a really good topic for today.
The most important thing to do each morning is to Beginning your day with Gratitude.
Because that is the key with how to keep your vibes high and how to be happy. Also, how to have a great day!
Following these steps will do wonders for your mental mindset each day.
Setting your intention:
Don’t grab for your cell phone to check emails or FB notifications…
Or allow your children to be your alarm clock…
Definitely, don’t think about what needs to be done for the day & all the deadlines with work because this isn’t the best way to wake up.
Everything & everyone has an energetic vibration. So when you see, think & hear other people & things your energy changes to meet that vibration, which is often much lower than your freshly awakened self.
To keep your vibes high & happy, protect & honor your mornings.
Customize your morning ritual for yourself. This can be 10 minutes… or as long as you feel.
Rituals are sacred. I will share with you mine:
1. When I first wake up, I look out of my window & focus on the top of a tall tree or the sky. Feeling free & expansive.
2. Take a big deep breath in, fill my heart with gratitude.
3. Say, out loud… “Good Morning, God. Today is the greatest day of my life.”
4. I close my eyes, lift my head upward, and smile. Literally, greet my universal source. Because it also gets those yummy happy human-made chemicals flowing.
5. Meditate… so you are starting your day in a high vibration, because the better you start your day, the longer it will last. Maybe you like guided meditations. Headspace is a great App, or I have a free one here.
6. Choose two (realistic) goals and what to do that day and by letting my intuition with my responsibilities, I know it will guide me.
“Today I make a scheduled calendar for the launch and write pre-launch emails.”
“Today I schedule a collaboration with an awesome Creator for a future IG Live and Podcast Interview.”
It is helpful to create a closing when you consciously start with an intention, so try something like this one.
“God & the Universe support me in all that I do.”
“Thank you – Thank you – Thank you – It is done.”
Doing this each morning, it will build off the day before. There are times that I am not feeling that great and I don’t feel like doing my morning ritual, but I do it anyway.
There will come a time that will notice how much this helps your day, and then you won’t want to go without it.
If my children are still sleeping, I make myself a cup of coffee.
Read something positive & high vibrational… for as long as I’m feeling it.
Write in my journal… if the inspiration comes.
Say positive affirmations to train my mind for healthy self-talk, or I will read positive notes… If I’m drawn to it.
Listen to a positive