This podcast has been taken from "The Dropout Degree". - Here is an interview with Christianne Allen, Founder of Discovery Club, a medical cannabis company that sells CBD products. She runs this business from Las Vegas, Nevada inside of a mega mansion they actually bought to lower their taxes on the business. What is CBD? Cannabidiol —CBD— is a compound in Cannabis that has medical effects but does not make people feel “stoned” and actually counters some of the effects of THC. After decades in which only high-THC Cannabis was available, CBD-rich strains are now being grown by and for medical users. Find out more about Christianne:
Josh King Madrid On The Dropout Degree Show Host
Josh King Madrid...On THE DROPOUT DEGREE SHOW hosted by By Josh King Madrid (JetSet) - The Dropout Degree Show, has been ranked as a Top 10 Business Podcast for more than 2 consecutive years (2017-2019) and has over 1M+ downloads. Josh King Madrid, better known as JetSet is an American internet celebrity, author of JETSET Life Hacks book, author of The Art Of Frame Control, Millionaire Dropout song artist, Josh King Madrid... On THE DROPOUT DEGREE SHOW host, serial entrepreneur and NFT Magazine Founder
About Josh King Madrid On The Dropout Degree Show:
The goal of my: Josh King Madrid On The Dropout Degree Show (Business Podcast) is to share my experience as a young up-and-coming entrepreneur, share inspiring stories from the most relentless business moguls and influencers, and educate you on anything and everything that you would never be able to learn in an academic classroom; to help you find out what it really to takes win BIG as an ENTREPRENEUR and exceed the normal expectations set by society regardless of your age, education or financial background.
The Guests:
The podcast has featured dozens of amazing guests including Jason Capital, TheBlondeJon, JoeySendz, Branden Condy, Peter Voogd, Casey Adams, Forbes Riley, Marshall Sylver, Vince Reed, Booty King and one of Tai Lopez's greatest student success stories, Jaiden Gross
Who is JetSet?
JetSet also known as Josh King Madrid (born in Orange, CA on March 8th, 1998) is an American internet personality, best-selling author, Josh King Madrid On The Dropout Degree Show host, Millionaire Dropout artist, founder, neuromarketer, NLP coach, public speaker, actor in Born to be an influencer (movie,2020) & serial entrepreneur.
Known for:
JETSET LIFE HACKS & The Art Of Frame Control author
Josh King Madrid On The Dropout Degree Show host
Millionaire Dropout artist
Josh Madrid is a Millionaire Dropout from UCI and made his first $1 million at 19. Since then JetSet has generated hundreds of thousands of leads and have sold over $20 million dollars in products and services online, with $10 million of that as a "Crypto Bro" inside of the NFT space in 2021-2022. He is a writer for,, Fast Company Executive Board, Forbes Council and Rolling Stone Council. founder