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你好嗎? 你還會寫信嗎? 你上次拎起支筆寫信俾人係幾時呢?
Hello, how are you? When's the last time you write a letter by hand?
作為年輕人 係咪一定係無咁捱得 定係呢D只係老一輩既錯覺 唔明白而家呢個世代既年輕人要面對比佢地年輕既時候更多既事?
As the young generation, we are always being criticized to be not persevere enough. Is it just the illusion of the older generation or it is true?
巨蟹座既人一直都係俾人善解人意 溫柔體貼既印象, 但係其實係咪真係有咁好?
The impression of people with Cancer horoscope is known to be caring and understanding, but are they really that nice and kind?
Let's hear what we think!
(對於呀女黎講) 父親作為自己既前世情人, 你對於佢又會真係好似情人咁close定係佢作為嚴肅既一家之主會好難親近?
父親節就快到啦, 你又會點同你屋企既父親慶祝呢?
How would you celebrate Fathers' Day with your dad? Father is believed as daughter's valentine in her previous life, is your dad as close as your valentine or he is always being strict to support the whole family?
佛系人生對於你黎講, 係人生真理 定係唔上進既藉口? 今集就等我地同你進行偽哲學討論啦!
Having a "Buddhist" lifestyle is something that you want to pursue or you think it's just an excuse for lacking motivation to work?
唱卡拉ok對你黎既係遙遠既青春 定係你近年去既時候會聽到隔離房唱粵曲?
Singing karaoke is a long history to you, or you will still go these days?
Germini gives people an impression that they are very smart and ever-changing, just like there are two people inside a body. In this episode, let's explore Germini!
搭小巴是香港獨有既特色 無論係唔識廣東話既外國人 定係土生土長既香港人 對於搭小巴 唔多唔少都覺得係一個小考驗 今次就聽下我地分享搭小巴既趣事啦!
Taking minibus is a unique Hong Kong feature. Regardless you are a foreigner or an HK local, you may still find it challenging to take a minibus ride safely. Do you have any memorable experiences on this too?
母親節剛過去 有無多謝屋企為你無私奉獻既媽媽呢? 話雖如此 愛護女兒既媽媽總有唔小心坑咗個女既時候?! 等我地分享下同呀媽相處既趣事啦
Did you spend a good time with your mum over last Mothers' Day? Let us share with you our funny moments with our "caring" mums
In our daily lives, will you give up the old ones so as to chase for the latest trends and products or stay with the old stuff that contain your irreplaceable memories and feelings?
The podcast currently has 20 episodes available.