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FAQs about 即興人 Improvisors | 醬即興:How many episodes does 即興人 Improvisors | 醬即興 have?The podcast currently has 37 episodes available.
April 27, 2021EconomicsEconomics is the social science which studies economic activity: how people make choices to get what they want. It has been defined as "the study of scarcity and choice" and is basically about the choices people make. It also studies what affects the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services in an economy.[1]Investment and income relate to economics.[2] The word comes from Ancient Greek, and relates to οἶκος oíkos "house" and νόμος nomos "custom" or "law".[3] The models used in economics today were mostly started in the 19th century. People took ideas from political economy and added to them because they wanted to use an empirical approach similar to the one used in the natural sciences.[4]...more2minPlay
March 30, 2021復活節復活節(拉丁語:Pascha),又稱主復活日,是基督宗教的重要節日之一,最初與猶太人的逾越節同日,但教會在4世紀第一次尼西亞公會議決議不用猶太曆,於是改定為每年春分(英語:March equinox)月圓之後第一個星期日。該節日乃紀念耶穌基督於公元30/33年被釘死後第三天復活的事蹟,是基督信仰的高峰,因此被基督徒認為象徵得著永生與赦罪;不過現今許多與復活節相關的民間風俗,都不起源於基督宗教。...more1minPlay
March 30, 20212021年蘇伊士運河阻塞事件2021年蘇伊士運河阻塞事件(英語:2021 Suez Canal obstruction)發生在2021年3月23日埃及標準時間上午7時40分,400公尺長的長榮海運貨櫃船長賜輪在埃及蘇伊士運河擱淺(英語:Ship grounding)[2]。這艘船在沙塵暴中受風速高達40節(每小時74公里)的強風吹襲而偏離航道[3],繼而與運河底部碰撞並卡住,完全阻塞了運河[4]。卡住的河段恰屬未擴建區域,河道窄小,因此其他船隻無法繞行[5]。造成超過300艘船隻排隊等候,其中至少有15艘船隻因此下錨(英語:Anchorage (maritime))[6][7][8]。長賜輪於3月29日重新浮起,運河交通恢復[9][10]。
March 30, 2021巴拿馬運河巴拿馬運河(西班牙語:Canal de Panamá)位於中美洲的巴拿馬,橫穿巴拿馬地峽,連接太平洋與大西洋,全長82公里,大致呈西北-東南走向。運河最寬處達304米,最窄處也有152米,是世界的航運要道之一。
March 30, 2021帛琉帛琉共和國(英語:Republic of Palau;帛琉文:Beluu er a Belau;日語:パラオ共和国),通稱帛琉(英語:Palau,舊稱英語:Belau或英語:Pelew,是位於西太平洋的島嶼國家。全國有約340座島嶼,屬於密克羅尼西亞群島中加羅林群島的西鏈,總面積為459平方公里。人口最多的島嶼是柯羅。首都恩吉魯穆德位於臨近島嶼巴伯爾道布島,隸屬於美麗坵州。帛琉的海上鄰國包括印度尼西亞、菲律賓和密克羅尼西亞聯邦。
FAQs about 即興人 Improvisors | 醬即興:How many episodes does 即興人 Improvisors | 醬即興 have?The podcast currently has 37 episodes available.