特殊時光 – 拎走電話,搵返啲愛!咁多位新年快樂,恭祝咁多位身體健康一個與小朋友特別、專注、不受外界任何干擾的相處時間,是家長對小朋友的靈丹妙藥,可能有很多擔心的事也會迎刃而解。【內容分段】「每集介紹」00:03/ 認識下《教仔其實可以好正》00:52/ 介紹工具「特殊時光」「工具挑戰」01:45/ 📵 斷網挑戰:試下拎低部電話!03:17/ 🎲 特殊時光 – 一齊玩,唔係一齊熄機!04:30/ 👶 👦🧑🎓不同年齡層小貼士!06:12/ 🎤 結語:真心陪伴,小朋友feel到!07:08/「電影《得寵先生》」🐾《得寵先生》全澳感動上映——當流浪不再孤單,愛一直都在!🐾故事大綱:退休老人任春佳(鄭丹瑞 飾)對動物向來冷漠,生活孤寂且充滿怨懟。一次意外,他被流浪狗燒腩拯救,並因此結識動物義工鄧悅娜(盧慧敏 飾)。在燒腩的陪伴下,春佳慢慢打開心扉,學會關愛生命,並嘗試修補與女兒素儀(廖子妤 飾)破裂多年的親情。然而,當他以為生活開始重拾希望時,村內卻發生了一宗宗令人髮指的毒殺流浪狗事件……「天長地狗💙感恩有您」愛與牽絆並非只屬於人類,動物的忠誠與陪伴,值得我們守護一生。這是一個關於和解、救贖與生命羈絆的故事,誠邀您一同見證這場感動旅程!Special Time – Put Down Your Phone, Reconnect with Love!Happy New Year, everyone! Wishing you all good health and happiness.A special, focused, and distraction-free time with your child is like a magic remedy for parents. Many worries may simply melt away with this dedicated connection.[Episode Breakdown]"Introduction to Each Episode"00:03 / Get to Know Parenting Can Be Awesome00:52 / Introduction to the Tool: "Special Time""Tool Challenge"01:45 / 📵 Digital Detox Challenge – Try Putting Down Your Phone!03:17 / 🎲 Special Time – Play Together, Not Just Switch Off!04:30 / 👶 👦 🧑🎓 Tips for Different Age Groups!06:12 / 🎤 Closing Remarks – Genuine Presence, Kids Can Feel It!🐾 An Abandoned Team - A Journey of Love, Redemption, and the Unbreakable Bond Between Humans and Animals 🐾Synopsis:Retired and isolated, Yam Chun Kai (Lawrence Cheng) has never cared for animals. But after a near-tragic accident, he is saved by a stray dog, Roast Piggy, and introduced to animal volunteer Una Tang (Amy Lo). As Roast Piggy’s unwavering loyalty softens Kai’s heart, he begins to see the world differently, even attempting to mend his broken relationship with his estranged daughter, Zoie (Fish Liew).Just as life seems to regain its meaning, a series of horrifying stray dog poisoning incidents shatters the fragile peace…“Forever loyal 💙 Forever grateful.”Animals may not speak, but their loyalty and love are immeasurable. An Abandoned Team is a moving story about second chances, compassion, and the powerful connection between humans and animals.📍Screening Details 澳洲放映資訊📍 Sydney 雪梨📅 Date: Saturday, 15 February⏰ Time: 3:00 PM🏢 Venue: Palace Central📍 Melbourne 墨爾本📅 Date: Saturday, 15 February⏰ Time: 3:00 PM🏢 Venue: Palace Como📍 Brisbane 布里斯本📅 Date: Saturday, 15 February⏰ Time: 3:00 PM🏢 Venue: Palace James Street📍 Adelaide 阿德萊德📅 Date: Saturday, 15 February⏰ Time: 2:30 PM🏢 Venue: Palace Nova Eastend📍 Perth 珀斯📅 Date: Saturday, 15 February⏰ Time: 3:00 PM🏢 Venue: Palace Raine Square🎟 Get your tickets now and experience this heartfelt journey in cinemas!#得寵先生#AnAbandonedTeam#天長地狗感恩有您#澳洲五城放映#感人故事#流浪動物#鄭丹瑞#盧慧敏#廖子妤#電影推薦#生命羈絆#澳洲電影放映#愛與希望https://www.ponder.productions/?fbcli...