In the Bible, the children of Israel in the wilderness were being fed by a system called daily bread by God where he fed them on manaa that fell from heaven everyday for 40 years.
They ate manaa until they came to a land where they could settle. (The Promised Land). This happend until they got to the border of the land of Canaan but then the manaa seized.
Whatever your "IT" is. Let me share.
ANYTHING can become a ROUTINE. If you do long enough, it becomes a routine, or a pattern until It becomes irrelevant.
God had been feeding the children of Israel for 40 years and for 40 years they didn't have to cook.
But notice this, the closer they got to the "Promise", the less the "Provision" becomes.
We are looking at PROVISION versus PROMISE.
There is a difference between walking in provision and walking in promise.
In the wilderness they had provision but they were walking towards the promise.
Provision is how God sustains you while you are waiting on the promise. Because if you can get to the promise, the promise has provision in it.
Everybody reading this now has a promised land. Something that makes you wake up every morning and go to work because you are after the promises of God.
WHEN provision seizes, their is always a tendency for the soul to panic. As a matter of fact, humans beings biggest fear is "What if they fire me from my job?", "What if my parents stop funding me like they used to"
Let me ask you this
"Have you ever had someone you were counting on but now they stopped and you came back empty handed?"
Anybody can be strong when what you need is falling in your life. But strength really comes when all hell breaks lose and what you were counting on has seized.
IF YOU don't recognize that provision is not promise, you will fall in love with that which is transitional and miss that which is permanent.
The sign that you are getting close to the promise is when the provision stops.