
京东亚洲一号天津东丽物流园项目国际专题片MixDown Demo

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Application of BIM+VR Technology in Intelligent Construction of Logistics &Warehousing Projects

——Introduction to Application of BIM Technology in JD.COM Asia No. 1TianjinDongliLogisticsParkProject

Located in Tianjin Dongli Huaming Industrial Park, JD.COM Asia No. 1 TianjinDongli Logistics Park Project is close to Hongtai Avenue in the north andadjacent to Huaxing Road in the west, and is composed of 3 two-storeyramp-accessed warehouses, 1 six-storey complex building, 1 power distributionbuilding, 1 auxiliary building for operation and 3 gatehouses, with a totalfloor area of 110,000m2.

I.   Introduction to the Company

中建五局第三建设有限公司成立于1971年,拥有国家房屋建筑工程施工总承包特级资质,综合实力在中国建筑” 股份有限公司世界500强企业第24位,多家三级独立法人企业中位列三甲。
Founded in 1971, 3rdConstructionCo., Ltd. of China Construction 5thEngineering Bureau (hereinafterreferred to as the Company) has the special-class certificate of nationalbuilding engineering EPC, due to the Company’s comprehensive strength, rankstop 3 among several level-three independent incorporated enterprises of ChinaState Construction Engineering Corporation Limited (CECEC), ranking 24 ofFortune Global 500 enterprises.

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陈飞扬国际专题片系列By 陈飞扬英语配音大师