Joel McHale gets a show, Rotten, January releases – Netflix News
Welcome to the weekly roundup of Netflix News. Our hosts break down what’s happening on the platform each week, and make sure you’re in the know about all things NETFLIX. Hosts: Rick Hong – @rickhong, Steve Kauffmann – @stevekaufmann, Amy Cassandra Martinez – @AmyCassdandraMTZ, Ashley Chaney – @ashleyoncamera Welcome to the weekly roundup of Netflix News. Our […]
Joel McHale gets a show, Rotten, January releases – Netflix News
Welcome to the weekly roundup of Netflix News. Our hosts break down what’s happening on the platform each week, and make sure you’re in the know about all things NETFLIX. Hosts: Rick Hong – @rickhong, Steve Kauffmann – @stevekaufmann, Amy Cassandra Martinez – @AmyCassdandraMTZ, Ashley Chaney – @ashleyoncamera Welcome to the weekly roundup of Netflix News. Our […]