Laetere Sunday
Laetere – Latin for “Rejoicing” – the 4th Sunday of the somber and penitential season of Lent is a day to lift the reflective and introspective mood with an acknowledgment of the presence and promises of God for healing and redemption.
Call to Worship[1]
Give thanks to the Lord, for God is good;
the wondrous love of God endures forever.
Let the redeemed of the Lord say it is so; God has redeemed us from trouble.
Sickened by sinful ways, we cry to the Lord and seek relief from distress.
Let us thank the Lord for steadfast love and for endless mercy.
Let us praise the living God with songs of thanksgiving;
let us tell others of the Lord’s good deeds with lives that show our joy.
[1] Composed for today by Rev. Lipphardt citing Psalm 107.