"Down Neck." In the lone episode of the series directed by a female (Lorraine Senna Ferrara), Jarod, Drew, and Josh discuss whether shows like The Sopranos perpetuate toxic masculinity. As the episode explores Tony's past, our hosts realize his nostalgia for the time may be unfounded. Are current TV audiences dumber than they've ever been, or do they just have shorter attention spans?
Rotten Tomatoes "Greatest HBO Original Series" Bracket (our motivation to end recency bias)
Psychologist vs. Psychiatrist Article
Snatch directed by Guy Ritchie on IMDb
The Seventh Seal directed by Ingmar Bergman on IMDb
Once Upon a Time in the West directed by Sergio Leone on IMDb
Seven Samurai directed by Akira Kurosawa on IMDb
The Hidden Fortress directed by Akira Kurosawa on IMDb (Jarod misspeaks and calls it "The Last Fortress")
Roma directed by Alfonso Cuarón
Certified Copy directed by Abbas Kiarostami