Sunday, January 19, 2020
“Living God’s Plans in 2020”
A New Year brings about fresh beginnings and the opportunity to “begin again.” In the midst of making personal resolutions, how do ensure that what we’ve promised the Lord and ourselves will be accomplished before year’s end? Join us this Sunday as we share Biblical Principles taken from the book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
Feeling much better after starting the year with an intense cold. Had a very good time of sharing with our church family in Japan, and excited to be back with you all again! See you on Sunday…
two scoops agape,Pastor John
Pastor John is back from Japan and will be teaching at both services
Mahalo to Pastor Arlen [Kapolei/Honolulu] and Todd Los Banos [Honolulu] for sharing the Word last week. Mahalo to Tim & Apple Gruber and Michael Chung for leading Worship [Honolulu]
MEMBERSHIP SUNDAY is next week, January 26th. Pastor John will be sharing about Journey Church – our Purpose, Values, Vision as we look into 2020. Opportunity at the end of message will be given for new membership as well renewal for those are already members