Out of the Fire

Journey of Pain to Purpose with Stephanie Urbina Jones and Jeremy Pajer

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Today we are joined by two great individuals, Stephanie Urbina Jones and Jeremy Pajer, 


A Singer, teacher, writer, sister, friend, mother, wife, and lover of life; Stephanie Urbina Jones brings her passion and experience in living a life of creative freedom to people all over the world. She is a # 1 Billboard Country Music Songwriter traveling with her Honky Tonk Mariachis, sharing joy and her history-making “Country Music with Chili Peppers” all over the world. She is also Co-founder of Freedom, Folk, and Soul a transformational community of the healing arts, and the lead author of the best-selling book The Shaman Heart.


With Stephanie, is her husband, Jeremy Pajer. Jeremy is the co-founder of Freedom, Folk, and Soul, truly a master of transformation and a leader in the field of personal freedom. He has spent the last 19 years dedicating his life to spiritual growth and the healing arts.  He has a practical, down-to-earth, fun, and loving approach to transformation and to helping people embrace their humanity. A true shaman and healer, Jeremy is committed to your growth, transformation, and freedom. He brings openness and love to life and is truly a man of heart, service, and generosity.


This talk embarks on their journey in finding purpose in life, turning pain into a passion not only for themselves but also for helping others transform their lives.


Key Highlights:


[00:01 – 12:46] Stephanie and Jeremy Share Their Journey of Pain to Purpose

  • Stephanie talks about meeting Laura De Franco
  • She shares about their journey with 26 authors to the avenue of the dead facing their pains and becoming reborn
  • Jeremy describes how the authors join them on a transformational journey.

o   How the book did well, because of the collective energy and love that came through from the authors in their four-month journey together.


[12:47 – 31:27] Shamanism: A Simplified Explanation

  • Shamanism is a process of coming back into tune with one's humanness and the elements
  • Connecting with the divine nature of life.
  • They also share their perspective on the importance of spirituality in faith and how it can connect people from all walks of life
  • Shamanism is a spiritual practice and that being a sacred witness is having a shaman's heart
  • How to Overcome Roadblocks on Your Journey to Purpose

o   Jeremy discusses how we must all face our fears in order to move forward and achieve our goals.

o   the importance of self-acceptance and commitment to a new way of living in order to achieve success.

o   Jeremy encourages others to live their lives with passion and purpose.

  •  You have to be in that moment in order to experience true transformation.

o   Mental health awareness is important, but it's only the beginning of the journey

o   You also have to commit to a process and follow up with participants.

  •  Freedom, Folk, and Soul Day

o   Once a month, people can join when they think they feel called.

o   They can experience sacred journeys.

o   Walkthrough fire.


[31:28 - 40:09] Closing Segment

  • Suffering? What is it going to cost you?
  • The importance of starting your journey to healing and growth now than waiting.


Websites where you can learn more about Stephanie and Jeremy:

  • www.StephanieUrbinaJones.com
  • www.shamanheart.org/
  • www.freedomfolkandsoul.org/

Join me and my guests as we illustrate how to walk through the fires of life and come out the other side more resilient, passionate, and stronger than ever before. Connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Become part of the community and join our Group. Want to learn more about me? Visit https://trishafraley.com/trishafraley.

I want to know more about you! Email me at [email protected].

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Tweetable Quotes:

“I call it God; some people call it the great divine mystery. There is something that is connected in all of life between all of us and when we heal. And sometimes these painful experiences that we have in our lives. Are the activators, the catalyst to bring us to our knees, to break our hearts open so that we can feel connected to the divine nature of life. Calling God, call it the great mystery. And it's in the wind. It's in the stars. It's in you. It's in me”

– Stephanie Urbina Jones

“We get freedom. We get free quicker. We get relief quicker. So it's not like it takes a year to get the relief, but to sustain it, to maintain it, to go deeper.” – Jeremy Pajer


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Out of the FireBy Trisha Fraley

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