Tami Lysher tackles this question by integrating her 30 years in the early childhood development field with her work in pilates. In her conversation with Dr. Elisa Haransky Beck, she discusses living in Flint, Michigan, and how their water crisis has affected children's development. She offers the audience her daily practice and encourages listeners to find their own practice for making time for themselves (and disconnecting from your phone). Any moment can be meditative if you set an intention for it!
Tami Lysher, ECE, MA, Certified Instructor and Owner of Studio T Pilates, has more than 30 years in the field of early childhood development, including teaching 15 years at the University of Michigan, Flint. Tami has been a Train the Trainer on all subjects related to Early Childhood Education and has provided extensive training on trauma effects to college students and community organizations.
Tami specializes in child development and children’s yoga and movements and practices thoughtful and reflexive Pilates and yoga to promote both physical and mental well-being. Her mission is to make a difference through one movement, one stretch, and one breath at a time. Her classes included children’s yoga, Karma Kids Yoga, Little Flower Yoga, Trauma-Informed Yoga for Teens, Balance Body Pilates, Stott Pilates, and McEntire Pilates-Comprehensive. In addition, she has taught many arms of fitness over the last 35 years including spinning, TRX, Pink Ribbon, Brain Speed, and more. You can learn more at www.studiotpilates.com