On this Great and Holy Thursday, we hear the Twelve Passion Gospels.
We commemorate the institution of the Holy Eucharist – where Christ identified Himself with the bread and wine and said: “Take, eat; this is my Body. Drink of it all of you; for this is my Blood of the New Covenant”.
We are joined by Mrs Kathryn Stavropoulos who will reflect upon this and the Last Supper.
We also remember the agony of the events leading to the Passion and the prayer of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.
We commemorate the washing of the disciples’ feet, and in through that, the revelation of Christ’s profound humility and the manifestation of His perfect love.
We remember Judas’ betrayal of Christ with a kiss – the sign of friendship and love.
We are also joined by Mr Pandelis Toumbelekis who will share some thoughts on the Trial of Jesus Christ.