Faye Lawand is known as New Zealand's Trusted Internal Conflict Resolution Expert and coach for burnt-out (or nearly burnt-out) professionals. Her method brings back life's ease and excitement for the professional who's had it (almost) burned out, by harnessing the magic of the subconscious mind and nervous system to banish chronic stress, anxiety and fatigue.
Faye was born into chaos and strife in the Middle East, burned out 3 times in a row, and battled with chronic conditions most of her life. But when the traditional solutions of prescription medication and Tall Therapy failed her, she sought out her own. After 15 years of research & training, she founded The Tiredness Solution™ - an integrative 9-step formula that's helped her clients and students kick the tiredness and overwhelm and finally feel like themselves again, by dispelling the internal conflicts rooted in the nervous system and subconscious mind.
And now, her mission is to help burnt-out (or nearly burnt-out) professionals find wellbeing as well, because she firmly believes that when we're all living the life we want, we can build a kinder, happier world.
Faye is proud to call New Zealand home where she lives with her husband. She is a global citizen who has lived in 13 countries, speaks 4 languages and is passionate about all aspects of health and wellbeing. When she's not coaching or training, Faye enjoys cooking, yoga, and loves spending time in the beautiful outdoors in New Zealand.
Website: fayelawand.com [https://www.fayelawand.com]
Facebook: @fayelawand
Facebook group: nervous system wellness tribe [https://www.facebook.com/groups/nervoussytemwellnesstribe]
LinkedIn: @FayeLawand
IG: @fayelawand