Stop Over-drinking and Start Living

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In this episode I discuss how to be joyful and feel alive as you stop over-drinking.

The reason so many of us over-drink is because we are using it as a reward for #allthethings we do each and everyday. However, #allthethings don't typically include doing fun and joyful things for ourselves, so at the end of the day we are in desperate need to reward ourselves and relax, so cue 'it's WINE TIME!'

Adding more joy and pleasure to your everyday is how we stay connected to ourselves and feel good, so we don't need to seek the artificial pleasure through multiple glasses of wine and escape.

When your life feels joyful and you feel good to be alive, you are less likely to seek something outside of yourself that actually doesn't make your life any better.

I hope you enjoy this episode and would love to hear from you about how your are feeling more joyful and alive and drinking less!

Join Alive AF! my monthly membership where I teach you and coach you on how to drink less and do more that makes your feel ALIVE AF!

ALSO, grab your Alive AF! subscription box. This is my quarterly support kit that is delivered straight to your door, and it includes some of my favorite stop over-drinking self-care items, all hand-selected by me.



Angela Mascenik, Angela stop over-drinking coach, become emotionally unattached to alcohol, drink less do more, drink less wine, emotional drinking, emotional eating, how do I feel my feelings, how to cut back on how much I drink, how to feel better during pandemic, how to feel class, how to feel to stop over-drinking, how to feel your urges, stop over drinking coach, Stop over-drinking and Start Living podcast, stop over-drinking help for women, Alive AF, joyful, alive, feeling alive, 

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