Daniel King (KingMinistries.com) is a Christian evangelist who recently visited the American Atheist Convention in Oklahoma City to see what he could learn about skeptics to understand them, as well as to better evangelize to them. His sincerity in this pursuit was so charming, and so similar to my friend Rex’s, who regularly visits Sunday Schools as an atheist to engage in dialogue, that I had to invite him on.
Rex, a fellow skeptic and friend of the show, also happened to attend the same convention, so I had him on to talk about his experience as well. While Daniel’s initial write up seemed a tad dismissive, I was happy to find he was a delight to talk to, and a particularly sincere fellow. While I certainly do not agree with his conclusions, it is a shame that so many atheists have been quick to attack him. Given his faith, it makes sense that his conclusions about those in the LBGTQ and secular communities are as he describes them. I wish more atheists would have been charmed by his willingness to enter a lion’s den of sorts, to better understand his fellow man. This kind of willingness is necessary and I hope to see more of it on both sides of the aisle as religious dialogues continue.