In this episode we have Florin Pop, Front-End Developer, JS enthusiast, blogger and content creator, talking about:
How Florin started a career as a front-end developer
How he started posting and making a career from being a content creator on social media
How hard was for him to make recurrent technical content in time spent creating and responding to all messages he gets
How does he pick his topics for the YT tutorials and live streaming sessions and which of them are the most popular
His personal coding challenges and THE $200 CHALLENGE
How hard was it for him to build his Road to Glory
What should our listeners that are interested in making online content should know beforehand from his experiences
What are the Good parts vs. Not so good parts of having such a big social media presence
If making social media content is a full time job and if you can make a living out of it
His advice for all Front-End devs that want to be like him when they grow up
His future plans and projects
Be sure to follow him on:
JSLeague new workshops:
Intro to Angular & Node.js for Students Workshop
5-6th of September 2020 @ Online
Question of Ep.#18
What content creators do you follow on social media ?
Next Guest
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