Welcoming all to JTC Episode 12
New knowledge appears everyday, at every scrunching second. However, with the busy workloads and classes, we are often unable to squeeze a minute for learning. It takes a great motivation to settle our mind and get ready to learn.
So, how do you motivate yourself? What drives you to learn something new?
Unmute the mic and start chatting with Jabar Teacher Chatter (JTC), an event where you can speak English without fear or anxiety.
On the topic of : Motivation in Learning: What drives you to learn something new?
Host: Sri Erna Nurmalia,S.Pd.,M.Pd. (MTs Budi Sartika Kab Tasik)
Coach: *Febriandrini K., ST., MIB (SMP Lazuardi Al Falah Depok)
We would talk about motivating verbs and words of encouragements. Our chat would focus on building your grammar with regards to present tenses and instruction verbs.
Thursday, 13rd of February 2020, 7.30 - 9.00 pm