In this Just Go Play podcast episode, Daryl Devonish and Matt Young speak with Eric McLoughlin from the Coaches Association of Ontario on how: Great Coaches can change your life.
Eric began his coaching career at the age of 16 after an injury made him realize he wouldn't be able to reach the level of swimming he desired and found his passion for giving back to the sport that had already given him so much. Eric pursued his BA in Psychology and a background in Sport Psychology from Laurentian University that, along with resources he found available, helped him develop as a coach working with athletes from ages four to eighteen at the regional, provincial and national levels.
Eric joined the CAO with a wealth of knowledge and experience in coaching, community engagement and events within the sport, non-profit and corporate sectors. He also holds a post-graduate Event Management certificate from the International Festival and Events Society’s (IFEA) Gold Pinnacle award-winning program at Niagara College and works hard to develop events, programs and projects that create lasting positive impressions. In his spare time, he loves to swim, play baseball and connect with people who share a passion for what they love. Eric believes in staying positive, eating smart and dreaming big.
With the CAO, Eric supports over 150,000 coaches they support to help build a better system for coaching especially as 75% of coaches in the province are volunteers (that aren’t being paid and do so because they have a kid in it).
Hear from Eric on how:
- You don’t need anything fancy to be a coach.
- To identify who the clients really are in the system and why it's important to hear what they are asking for.
- The barriers for entry can be mitigated so that more athletes, parents, and coaches have access to resources, programs, and support.
- Resources in the industry, such as Wade Gilbert, provide a base foundation of knowledge.
Hear their discussion on what we can learn from the Google and Amazon's of the world and why tough decisions need to be made to not forget who we're in this for. At the end of the day, kids just want to have fun.
You can learn more about the Coaches Association of Ontario and how they:
- Provide National Coaches Certification Programs that delivers coach education across a variety of topics.
- Support each coach through partnerships, mentorship programs, grants, and ongoing professional development of coaches.
Coaching is something that requires ongoing maintenance and education and there are many free conferences and webinars offered to improve access to education.
Be inspired by the conversation with Eric on how a great coach can change your life, whether you are an athlete, parent, or other involvement in the sport system.
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Just Go Play is the resource for parents, teachers, coaches, and athletes to understand how sports will help build skills for life. The mission is to help and encourage kids, parents, and coaches to enjoy sports and participate for life.