In November 2018 with roughly 56% of voters supported prop 1.. the state of Michigan then became one of 11 states to legalize marijuana. April 6th, 2019 was the largest Hash Bash in History 10,000 people came out in celebration of MI becoming one of 11 recreational use states. Among the speakers, John Sinclair, the former leader of the White Panther Party and catalyst to Hash Bash. The ballot initiative explicitly sets parameters for the allocation of funds collected through recreational sales. Yet even with this victory legislatively there are still ever pressing issues that put individuals who use now legalized cannabis in the state of MI at risk of being rotated into the criminal justice system. While members from the Veterans Group and testimony from U.S Veterans who use cannabis to treat various mental health disorders such as PTSD think they can breathe a sigh of relief with the legalization of recreational usage. "Big Gretch" as she's affectionetly called in Michigan, signed into law roadside drug testing for Marijuana. Following in the pattern that shows that legalized states aren’t always the most “liberal” when it comes to the small print. Lets learn about it.
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