Step Two, Balance Your Goals To Balance Your Life.
It’s really simple. Develop goals in seven areas of your life for more fulfillment and to Just Strt Living
Our spiritual mission;
Our mental genius/creativity;
Our vocational success, achievement, service;
Our financial freedom/independence;
Our family love and intimacy and continuance of procreation;
Our social influence and leadership
By pursuing goals in each area, you will create a more balanced life and integrated life as well, which is crucial to sustaining long-term health, wealth and fulfillment.
The first step in empowering each of these areas is education. Success leaves clues and those individuals, as well as those nations that have risen in power, need to follow these clues. Awakening to and owning these traits and, developing and furthering these traits, and awakening these traits in each of the seven areas of life can both empower individuals and nations.
Focus your energy on the areas you want to get better.
Like spokes on a wheel put these seven areas along the outside and rank your own goals on them from 1-10 and see the shape of your wheel. In order to create a more integrated and balanced life you love let the numbers guide you on where to put more attention.