THIS IS A PRE-RECORDED SHOW - From now on, we will be pre-recording the show on Wednesdays at 5:30pm Eastern (at the usual time). FInd links for the show each week in the Legal Name Fraud Experiences and Discussion Group on Facebook and HERE, so that you can join in by phone or internet connection. .
Please call in (find link in this group) and HERE to join Libby and jolly Wednesday’s at 5:30pm Eastern US time weekly, for sharing your stories of earthly and spiritual experiences as we navigate this matrix aware of fraud and deception.
Sharing our stories is so valuable to both the teller and the ones listening.
Standing in our power is so much fun. We stop feeding those who attempt to control us as we remember who we really are and we end all spiritual contracts with The Legal Name and with the entity that created it!!
Come join us in this inflowment of empowerment.
Check out more info about The Legal Name Fraud here:
My New LNF Flier here:
You can also check out my writings and sharings here: