Here is the link for Ohio County Sheriff Rick Jones warning to be ready I recommend watching all 25 minutes.
According to US Government officials. Russia is wanting to put nuclear weapons in space. This news came out well after recording and during my post editing of today's episode.
I believe the US intelligence is warning the public as best they can without striking fear. The same goes when boiling frogs. It is a slow process. The slow drip of information that is coming out is to reduce anxiety, keep the economy pushing which will allow all of us that are paying attention to build plans and stock up on needed supplies.
There may be nothing of this. But I feel personally in my bones that our grid for power, water and gas will be going down sometime around when the Pacific Theater of War kicks off.
We will be going to war with China & Russia. Something the US DoD has already stated is not a likely war we will win.
Get fit both mentally and physically. The time for action is soon. If you can't act fast enough. You will be dead in the water.