Ready to delve into the fascinating world of criminal law? Don't miss
our exclusive discussion with Justin Wong and MULS alumni: Prudence Watts from Streeton Lawyers! Gain insights into the nuances of the field, unravel Hollywood myths versus real-world scenarios, and explore the evolving landscape of modern-day criminal law.
This episode is proudly sponsored by Streeton Lawyers – Sydney’s
premier, specialist criminal law firm. Professional, ethical and with
unrivalled experience, Streeton Lawyers is committed to outstanding service and representation. For more information, visit their website at
The topics discussed on Justified do not constitute legal advice, are not intended to be a substitute for legal advice, and should not be relied upon as such.
You should seek legal advice or other professional advice in relation to any particular matters you or your organisation may have.
Music: Weird Night - William Rosati Support by RFM - NCM: