We're back!!!!
On this episode of KAJ Convos, we talk to an incredible entrepreneur Bayan Sharafi. Bayan is the owner of Baked Doughnuts, a local Calgary company that is redefining 'snacking'. They offer Gluten Free, Vegan, High Protein Donuts... and we can say first hand, they taste incredible!
Bayan talks to us about his journey so far, he talks to us about how he started this company, what it was like quitting his Avionics job to pursue his passion, how he and his company is navigating through the COVID pandemic and even how he almost died!
We had a great conversation with with Bayan and hope you enjoy!
To get more information on Bayan and Baked Doughnuts go to:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bakedbrands/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bayanskitchen/
For more KAJ Convos:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kajconvos/
More Adrian
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adrianbautista_/
Website: https://www.adrianbautista.ca
More Kohl
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_kohlmeister/
KAJ Convos is a video/audio podcast where we talk about our journey as we start our company and also interview entrepreneurs to try and learn from them. Audio is uploaded on every major podcast streaming platform and Video recordings uploaded on Youtube every other Friday!