Our speaker today is Emmanuel Dabo, a communications consultant from Côte d'Ivoire who for more than five years has supported researchers from various regions of Africa. He shares useful pointers on #SciComms and science storytelling. He is a Communications Consultant at Afrique One-ASPIRE. Afrique One-ASPIRE is a program that focuses on the #OneHealth concept to address key challenges related to ecosystem #health. It's supported by @wellcometrust @AASciences @DFID_UK
In 2018, he was ranked among the 50 best communication experts in Africa according to the "Africa communications leadership report 2018".
His speciality and interest is in corporate, digital and science communication. He is also involved in building the communications capacities of research institutes, training firms, companies, NGOs, etc. You can find more details about him here: www.emmanueldabo.com
The PhD student at the Catholic University of West Africa - University Unit of Abidjan (UCAO-UUA) is doing research that looks at digital technology and socio-political change in Africa.
He tweets @EmmanuelDaboPhD
The idea with these Storytelling Twitter Spaces is that every two weeks, we set aside 60 minutes to gain tips, lessons and pointers on the art of storytelling and content creation. This space is for anyone: individuals, businesses, organisations keen to learn how to become better storytellers.
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