On 24 March 2020, the Government of India under Prime Minister Narendra Modi ordered a nationwide lockdown for 21 days, limiting movement of the entire 1.3 billion population of India as a preventive measure against the COVID-19 pandemic in India.[1] It was ordered after a 14-hour voluntary public curfew on 22 March, followed by enforcement of a series of regulations in the country's COVID-19 affected regions.The lockdown was placed when the number of confirmed positive coronavirus cases in India was approximately 500.Observers stated that the lockdown had slowed the growth rate of the pandemic by 6 April to a rate of doubling every six days,and by 18 April, to a rate of doubling every eight days. Methods-
Ban on people from stepping out of their homes
All services and shops closed except pharmacies, hospitals, banks, grocery shops and other essential services
Closure of commercial and private establishments (only work-from-home allowed)
Suspension of all educational, training, research institutions
Closure of all places of worship
Suspension of all non-essential public and private transport
Prohibition of all social, political, sports, entertainment, academic, cultural, religious activities