Catholics – that is, true Catholics, are constantly bombarded and persecuted by the culture’s version of love. The popularized slogan “love is love” really means, “if you are a loving person, you must accept what any person deems as love–even if that runs contrary to your beliefs and morals.” Contraception, spouse trading, pedophilia, same-sex acts, no-fault divorce, sex-changes, pornography, polygamy, abortion, and adultery are just some of the ways that our culture proposes love.
What is the Christian response? When responding to our culture’s claims that love is love many Catholics are gravely disadvantaged, feel helplessly ignorant, and because of this cave into the world’s maxims. Is there a simple, reasonable, theological response that dispels the lies of every sexual moral heresy and proclaims true love and the way to live it? The answer is yes, and the Catholic Church has it.
Listen now to Devin Schadt and Judah Kennedy as they provide the antidote to every moral sexual heresy.