Our first minisode! In these minisodes, we will be having a go at diving a bit deeper into one of our decks. Up first is Permaweb Golightly-Oxfellow, Governor:https://www.keyforgegame.com/deck-details/879ce89a-4e66-4dc6-afd4-4e7123d6c423It was an interesting first choice as it lost every game it played! So we talk about what was good, what was bad, some interesting combos and work out when to mulligan. We also introduce a new spreadsheet breaking out each component of each card which will hopefully lead to some interesting comparisons when it's fleshed out a bit.For comparison, we also talk a bit about this other deck, Teeming Merrigan of the Lake, that trashed Permaweb:https://www.keyforgegame.com/deck-details/ee097cf1-04e5-43c2-9933-f156e7ddd9a4