Selichos: Nusach Lita Ashkenaz
By Rabbi Avie Gold (Author) Rabbi Nosson Scherman (Editor) Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz (Editor)
02:42:39 Shlomo: He’s saying he isn’t Hashem but he is his extension
02:52:30 Shlomo: O angels of Shalom bless us for Shalom
03:03:13 Shirah: 70 sages
03:04:33 Jen: Joseph spoke 70 languages stepping up 70 stairs to Pharaoh
03:05:28 Jen: He also learned from an angel
03:06:10 Leah Elise Rabold: I was just thinking about that
03:08:08 Jen: 70 disciples were sent by Yeshua
03:11:36 Jen: Lamech were seven hundred and seventy-seven(777) years; and he died.
03:14:21 iPhone: But we have the pray on Zemiros for Shabbat that we are asking the angels to bless us??
03:14:45 Leah Elise Rabold: So why then do we have that prayer in our Zemiros?
03:16:14 Shlomo: May the Angel who blesses the lads as well
03:17:09 Shlomo: 4 sides of the camp
03:18:54 iPhone: The bed time shema we ask for all the arch angels to surround us
03:22:41 Shlomo: Also Amen has the same gematria as Angel
03:25:31 Shlomo: One Mitzvah begets another Mitzvah
03:25:54 Shirah: the reward of a mitzvah is another mitzvah
03:29:52 iPhone: We will be like Adam before the Sin
03:29:55 Shlomo: Be Holy because I am Holy Ani Hashem
03:30:16 Shirah: I place before you life and death. choose life.
03:36:26 Betzalel: In order to make space for creation, the omnipresent God (Hebrew Ain Sof, literally: “without end” or “infinite”) contracted. In the empty space that resulted, God sent a ray of light that was to initiate the actual act of creation. Ten vessels (Hebrew sefirot) symbolizing the harmony of the universe were to catch the ray. However, they were unable to contain the powerful current of light and the seven lower vessels shattered. Their shards united with sparks of divine light and fell into the abyss. The breaking of the vessels is interpreted as a symbol for a world in a state of disharmony, one in which evil has entered.
03:42:45 Shlomo: Adam is the highest degree you can call a person
03:55:14 Shlomo: Moadei Hashanah - Rav Shimshon David Pincus
04:22:39 Shlomo: B’Shem is accurate as well if you understand what Shem means
04:32:35 Shlomo: Gavriel because of Sdom
04:32:49 Shlomo: Raphael to heal Avraham