This is a beatnik inspired spoken word piece I had written and recorded in 1983 after The Gun Club had gone on a wild tour of Australia, in the early 80's. I'm glad to have uncovered it. Dig.
a description from a blog goes like this : "This is the followup record to English As A Second Language, released in 1984 and again featuring a huge amount of short tracks by L.A. artists, poets, punks and various lowbrow Hollywood fixtures.
There’s lots of Henry Rollins and Chuck Dukowski, something from the late, great Jeffrey Lee Pierce and loads of L.A. poets.
I dare say, at over one hundred tracks there’s probably something here for everyone, or something to offend everyone. Like the first compilation, much of this is unsafe for daytime radio or for the kiddies, unless they’re like my kids. All kinds of love, sex, death and dying and general testimonials of the human condition are contained herein."