WW2 had a surprising number of teenage soldiers fighting on both sides. In this episode we focus on how fighting in WW2 at a young age affected these teenage soldiers. This episode features audio clips from the Memory Project to tell the stories of some of these teenage soldiers.
W. “The boys who lied about their age to fight in WW2”, History Extra, July 2014, from https://www.historyextra.com/period/second-world-war/boys-who-lied-about-age-to-fight-ww2-teenage-soldiers/, Accessed 27 November, 2020
W. “Canadian Youth - Growing up in Wartime”, Veterans Affairs Canada, 14 Feb, 2019, https://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/remembrance/history/historical-sheets/youth, Accessed 27 November, 2020
Irvine, Robert. Personal interview. 29 November, 2020
King, G. “The Boy Who became a World War II Veteran at 13 Years Old”, Smithsonian Magazine, 19 Dec, 2012, https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-boy-who-became-a-world-war-ii-veteran-at-13-years-old-168104583/, Accessed 27 November, 2020
Carrol M, “Farming, spying, being a zoot: six ways to pass the time as a 1940s teen”, CBC, 17 May, 2018, https://www.cbc.ca/life/backintimefordinner/farming-spying-being-a-zoot-six-ways-to-pass-the-time-as-a-1940s-teen-1.4663649, Accessed 27 November, 2020
W. “WW2 People’s War - Timeline”, BBC, www.bbc.co.uk/history/ww2peopleswar/timeline/factfiles/nonflash/a6652091.shtml., Accessed 29 November, 2020