I had the pleasure of speaking with a powerhouse of energy and compassion - Priya Santhanam about Infertility in STEM (Science, Technology, Maths and Engineering) women.
I had the pleasure of speaking with a powerhouse of energy and compassion - Priya Santhanam about Infertility in STEM (Science, Technology, Maths and Engineering) women.
Priya has PhD in Chemical Engineering from New Jersey Institute of Technology and currently works as a Senior Program Manager IP Ops at Amazon.
We discussed the following topics.
Q.1 What motivated you to create Scientist Engineer Mom? Tell us about your journey.
Q.2 STEM (Science, Technology, Maths and Engineering) streams have been strongly linked to the “leaky pipeline” - the loss of women from Tech/Engineering careers at much higher rates than men – where do you see this trend going in the near future?
Q. 3 What main challenges do women face in trying to conceive, and do these impact their retention in STEM careers?
Q.4 Why are impacts of infertility not discussed openly?
Q.5 What changes would you suggest in perception, work/government policies, health covers to help truly bring women on the same pedestal as men?
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