Whitney has helped dozens of women with chronic Hashimoto’s, and other autoimmune conditions, bust through the obstacles keeping them from the life they want by uncovering the root causes of their symptoms and eliminating their unique triggers. Whitney is a licensed acupuncturist, a functional nutritionist, and a certified gluten-free health coach. In addition to her private practice, she serves as a clinical advisor for the Association of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioners, assisting other functional practitioners with their client cases.
*****************************Website: https://www.morgannutrition.com/welcome
Linktr.ee link to all resources: https://linktr.ee/morgannutrition
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whitneymorgannutrition/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whitneymorgannutrition/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFT_ackL2_KfYd-RJXosS2A?sub_confirmation=1
FREE Resources:
Thyroid Lab Test Interpretation Guide: https://www.morgannutrition.com/thyroid-lab-test-interpretation-guide
Lesson One - Gluten Gauntlet Mini-course (5 weeks to a gluten-free house): https://www.morgannutrition.com/gluten-gauntlet-lesson-1