Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a puzzle. While the number of people diagnosed with ADHD is on the rise, there is still debate about whether ADHD is a real disorder, and debate about whether people, children especially, with ADHD should be prescribed medication to treat their symptoms. Despite the debates, there does seem to be a link between the symptoms of ADHD and mass-produced foods with lots of sodium, sugar, chemicals, and other additives.
Dr. Rachel V. Gow is a neuroscientist whose expertise is ADHD, and particularly the impact of food, diet, and nutrition on the development and treatment of ADHD. She'll help us sort through the puzzle that is ADHD and talk about the importance of nutrition for children with ADHD and for all of us.
Know-It-All Host, Allison R. Brown, is a civil rights attorney and President of Allison Brown Consulting (ABC), which creates education equity plans and works with entities to promote equity in education.