Within the past year, society's economic, political, and sociological realms have gone through many trials and tribulations as a result of the pandemic. From long periods of isolation to making knee-jerk decisions based on fear of the future, the pandemic has, without a doubt, affected everyone mentally and physically. Even as many states are beginning to reopen, millions of individuals still face the mental repercussions that the virus has caused.
Patno and Ruzin got real and discuss their experiences of maneuvering life's ebbs and flows. In this all-new episode of Know the Rules of the Game Podcast: Mental Ebbs and Flow, featuring Leora Ruzin and host Desirée Patno
Here are Ruzin's Three Rules and Tips of the Day:
1. Listen to your body and your mind.
2. Seek help when you need it.
3. Love yourself, even when you shouldn't.
Tip of the Day: Spend less time comparing yourself to others. Instead, compare yourself to a previous version of yourself.
TO WATCH THE FULL PODCAST: tinyurl.com/MentalEbbsandFlows
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