This week Dr. Ivan Khan dives into the world of Shotokai Karate, with
Senpai Tracy Maccarone, the owner of Miyazaki Bayside Shotokai Dojo, in
Bayside Queens. Senpai Tracy who also teaches at the Dojo has been
involved in the world of karate since 2012 with her entire family.
Listen in as Senpai Tracy discusses her entire family’s journey in
becoming black belts at Miyazaki Karate Bayside.
During the Summer months there is both an influx of new karate students
to the Dojo, mixed with a short break for some families. Miyazaki Karate
of Bayside is a year round karate school, Many students start as young
as 3 years old often with parents who start karate in adulthood. Listen
in on the Education section at 1:32.
Join the Growth section where Senpai Tracy talks about the history of
the leadership of Miyazaki Bayside, starting with Sensei Miyazaki
himself, fellow leaders and eventually the Maccarone family. She also
tells us about the process of progressing to a new belt, including the
perseverance needed to be a teacher to younger students. Find this at (16:19)
In our culture section (29:06) Dr. Khan asks Senpai Mary, daughter of
Senpai Tracy, how karate impacted her growth from a young girl to her
career in Nursing School. Senpai Mary shares how strong she has become
mentally and physically thanks to the years spent at Miyazaki Bayside.
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