Church people should never be set to a higher standard. Especially if they haven’t been set free and delivered. There’s a reason why those two go together. Part of the reason why I no longer believe that church hurt exists. The biggest catch phrase is: Hurt People Hurt People. Although this is very true, This is the same in the work place. We don’t go around talking about I’m overcoming work hurt. I think it’s key to understand that when I gave my life to Christ I was set free but I had to be delivered from A LOT of junk! A LOT!
- [x] Self doubt
- [x] Insecurities
- [x] Abortion
- [x] Promiscuity
- [x] Abandonment
- [x] Trust issues
- [x] Cursing
Just to name a few and I was only 17.
This is why studying the word of God is so important. It didn’t happen overnight. This is why it’s key to ensure you aren’t hanging around YES and NOD people. They will never keep it 💯 only when it benefits them.
People can provide you with the tools, but that doesn’t mean they are equipped to contribute to your foundation. Their tool could be a jackhammer...Just saying. HE is the author of transformation. Pay attention.
I know I hurt people in the midst of my brokenness and was defensive as well. I’ve also hurt myself by being passive aggressive and not speaking up.
How did I overcome this you ask. Read it again. The cycle is broken.
Carry on.