"If we fight like animals, we die like animals!"
To round off this run of the Knowing Who podcast, Ben and Miles learn the law of the jungle as they experience the end of Doctor Who's classic era: Survival. Come on you lot, we've got work to do...
Hosted by Ben Davidson (@benpdavidson) & Miles Taylor (@taylordvision)
Theme tune by Sonny King (@sonnycomposer)
Edited by Miles Taylor for Taylor’d Vision Productions.
Follow Knowing Who on Twitter (@knowingwhopod) and subscribe to the Taylor’dVision YouTube channel for more content.
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/knowingwho
🔷Welcome to Knowing Who! Another Doctor Who Podcast, where two Gen Z nerds take a trip through time and space as they find out how well they know "that blue box show". Kick back, relax and weep as your hosts, Ben Davidson and Miles Taylor, chat, review and get to know all things Doctor Who!