Cleaning the Chakras : #1 - Reconnecting To Our Roots
Our Season 3 is around the chakra systems of energy and we wanted to approach it differently. To start within and honor from that perspective is a given, but then to honor our chakras as it relates to our communities, our land which we live on, and more from an interconnectedness. It felt like a NEW way of looking at our energy how we can create change from within but also how it can honor everything around us.
So for the root chakra, we are honoring nourishment, the land in which we are on and our ancestors. We are giving space especially to our ingenious community, as it is their land we occupy. We will be using food and indigenous recipes as a way to connect us back to food, seasonality, and the healing properties of plants. We will start to cultivate a different relationship with food. We hope you enjoy!!!
Resources :
Opening To Spirit
The Siox Chef
Apps :