Day 6: His Will vs. My Need
It's Day 6, how are you holding up? Let me know. Drop me an email or DM me. I am getting a bit tired, in general, but it really helps to have this commitment to remain accountable to. Anyway, let’s do this!
1. First things first, let's pray before we start:
pray out loud for today's devotional
2. Now that we've prayed, let us read the Word:
Mark 14:36
Matthew 6:10-11
Job 13:15
Matthew 7:11
3. Let's get into today's discussion
Today's Devotional:
His Will vs My Needs
We've been learning a lot about God, so I thought to mix things up a bit today. Instead of looking at just one element of the Lord's Prayer, I thought we could combine "Your will be done" and "Give us this day our daily bread". It recently dawned on me, when studying the prayer, that there's a thin line between our needs and God's will.
So far, we've learnt about the genesis of prayer, God's kingdom and His righteousness. So, it's safe to say that it has all been about God so far. Which, I guess, makes sense when having a faith-based study on any topic. Everything begins and ends with God (and you will hear me say this a lot on the podcast series). He is, after all, the Alpha and Omega. But, I don't think it's only about God. It's about us too. That's how relationships go, right?
God is no different. Except, He's not only our life partner. He is also our Lord, Savoir and Father. So, He actually doesn't require much from us. And we learned this yesterday on the righteousness episode. But he still wants to partner with us.
Another reason why I believe that it's about us too is the fact that He, the God of the entire universe, chose to die FOR US. If we didn't matter in this equation, surely He wouldn't have bothered! As if that's not enough proof, He goes further to encourage us to cast all our cares and burdens into Him because He cares for us. He goes even further to say that we ought to ask for what we need and it shall be given to us. We matter!
But... Where does the line begin and end? What if what we need, desperately, isn't the will of God? Perhaps I would have to qualify what I mean by need as we don't always need the things we need. But, I mean that in the plainest of ways possible. Like a newborn baby needs the mother who died during labour. Like one needs that job because the bank is about to repossess the car and the landlord has served them an eviction notice. These are serious needs. Surely God cares about our needs, right?
The answer is yes, God cares more than anyone else. And He meets our every need in many different ways. Even what He didn't plan, He repurposes for our benefit and good. However, the million-dollar question remains, isn't it God's will that we have our needs met? Is it not His will that we have our daily bread? And, if it is, why don't we always get what we need? Why do people still die from hunger?
Well... Let's pray about it together. The only One with all the answers is God. And what we know for sure is that He is good and we are loved. And whether we don't see how now, it will all definitely work out for our good and His glory.
Practical Tasks:
- Read today's scriptures in context (full passage or chapter) and write down your lessons. If you like, you may also share them with me at [email protected] or DM me @kaydee_mashile on all social media platforms.
- Meditate on the prayer prompts listed on the cover image.
- Listen to the song of the day: Thato Ya Hao by Lebo Sekgobela
- Share Today's Podcast with a friend