January 08, 2024SignsThe path of liberation is like the slow evolutionary process of making fine wine from a field of grapes. But what are the some of the signs of progress on the organic path of enlightenment?...more34minPlay
March 18, 2023ShiftSuicide can seem like a solution for ending the overwhelming feeling of despair, but what if this is a great lie that only guarantees your suffering will continue for eons? What if your own direct experience of unending bliss is a real possibility even if you feel trapped in an endless cycle of despair?...more36minPlay
January 31, 2023PurposeWhat is the real purpose of the teaching of Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi?...more26minPlay
December 09, 2022AtonementWhat happens when you surrender to the vast love of the entire universe?...more27minPlay
December 04, 2022LensWhat is the no-mind state? And how does this continuous state permanently end the pain of the past?...more34minPlay
October 11, 2022WiredWe are wired to fight. How can you overcome the genetic impulse to fight to be right?...more23minPlay
September 10, 2022SatsangSatsang is when the power of the universe kisses the earth. It is a sacred meeting. But what is the purpose of satsang? What does it do for you?...more48minPlay
April 09, 2022PresenceWhat is the Presence of the Clear Way? And what does the discipline of Now do for you?...more32minPlay