Meet Jessica Urias, a devoted wife to Donnie Urias and a loving mother to her family of four. Jessica's journey with the Justice For My Jewel Campaign began in April 2019, fueled by a deep commitment to raising awareness about women's health. Her personal story is one of resilience and faith, as she faced a 14-year struggle to conceive after the birth of her first son. Through prayers and unwavering support from her family, she was blessed with four children, including an adopted daughter.
Inspired by her own experiences, Jessica is passionate about advocating for women's health and ensuring access to better products. In collaboration with Cycles28 and Reign Sanitary Napkins, she encourages women to unite and declare, "Enough is enough!" Let's stand together, fight for our health, and demand superior products to end the suffering of our girls and women. It's time to rise up as women and make a difference.