Lady Empire

Lady Empire

By Elle Bradley


What's Lady Empire about?

Welcome Queens! Your host, Elle Bradley, will take you inside the lives of fearless women dominating their careers now more than ever. Their fight to the top took grit and their stories inspire others to walk the same path. Leading doctors, athletes, corporate moguls, and more will share their personal accounts of failures, successes, and lessons they have learned along the way. If you want to learn how to be at the top of your career, subscribe above to hear the newest episodes released every week! This podcast is for anyone looking to relate to other women. Whether you are a working mother, a single woman, a widow, an entrepreneur, a member of the LGBTQ+ community, Black, White, Asian, a stay-at-home mom, or a young college student, this podcast is for you! These episodes will give you a deeper insight into what women just like you go through and experience on a day-to-day basis. These episodes appreciate and recognize all the hard work that women are doing within their careers, their families, or their communities. You can expect to cry, applaud, and idolize these women for what they have accomplished. Who am I? My name is Elle Bradley and I am the creator & host of the Lady Empire Podcast. I was born and raised in Denver, CO. - one of the few natives left. I created Lady Empire to highlight the role that elite women are playing within our society. Women bring so much to the table and it's time we start recognizing that! In 2021, I earned my MBA from the University of Denver’s Daniels College of Business. I earned my undergraduate degree in International Business, concentrating in Global Supply Chain Management, with a minor in Spanish from Bryant University. During my time as a Bulldog, I was an NCAA Division I softball player. I have a strong passion for volunteer work and being a part of projects that improve my community. Instagram and Twitter: @ladyempirepodcast Business Inquiries: [email protected]

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