We go through things in this life and are like why me but sometimes we are going through things so we can encourage others, they will make it though. This is a huge would and we all have something positive to offer and we have to share! I have twins and I am constantly reminded that even though they came in this world at almost the same time, they are still completely different. If identical twins are different, it seems like that is something done on purpose. Something to let people know that it is ok to be different, because our Creator made SURE that each and every person is different. That means that EVERYONE should be excited when they look at their reflection, this means that you have something unique to offer the situation and this world. Be the best you and don't wait for the validation of others to be who you were created to be. That does not mean be careless about others but certainly be careful about you and your heart. Each and every test of life is going to either break you down or make you stronger. Let the lessons of life make you stronger!