Are there still companies or employers hiring job seekers during this coronavirus pandemic? What are the jobs hiring in 2020? Are there still job opportunities during this coronavirus pandemic? What is it like to have a career change due to Coronavirus job loss? What is I lost my job due to coronavirus? I lost my job due to coronavirus, now what?
I believe these are the queries a lot of us have during this coronavirus pandemic. I totally get it. So, I have the opportunity to interview Ivan Chong, the founder of Widebed to share with us his experience on a career change from the engineering industry to the real estate & tourism industry. So if all the questions mentioned above are what in your head now, this video is for you.
I hope you enjoy this video and it gives you some idea and inspiration - [Job Loss Motivation]Job Hiring 2020|Career Change & Job Opportunity|Exclusive Interview | LaiAnn TV
2:21 [Job Loss Motivation]Job Hiring 2020|Career Change & Job Opportunity|Exclusive Interview - Why did you choose Mechanical Engineering?
3:15 [Job Loss Motivation]Job Hiring 2020|Career Change & Job Opportunity|Exclusive Interview - What triggered you to change your career direction?
6:00 [Job Loss Motivation]Job Hiring 2020|Career Change & Job Opportunity|Exclusive Interview - With more than 10 years in Real Estate and Tourism Industry, how did you feel about the career change decision you made more than 10 years ago?
8:56 [Job Loss Motivation]Job Hiring 2020|Career Change & Job Opportunity|Exclusive Interview - What are the challenges that Tourism and Real Estate industries face during this COVID-19 pandemic?
12:20 [Job Loss Motivation]Job Hiring 2020|Career Change & Job Opportunity|Exclusive Interview - Despite the COVID-19 crisis, what are the opportunities/new norm do you see in Tourism and Real Estate industries?
16:26 [Job Loss Motivation]Job Hiring 2020|Career Change & Job Opportunity|Exclusive Interview - What are the criteria of potential hires that employers are looking for during/after this COVID-19 pandemic?
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