In their opening thanksgiving, Paul, Silas, and Timothy underscored a triad of Christian virtues that are repeated throughout the New Testament: Faith, Love, and Hope. These three virtues are distinct perspectives of a person's genuine conversion to Jesus Christ, and they are all a work of grace accomplished by God.
Called the "Cinderella Epistles of the New Testament" by some, 1-2 Thessalonians are an often overlooked treasure of gospel hope for those who follow Jesus. Despite intense persecution, the Church of the Thessalonians persevered in the faith, longing for the day that Jesus returns to deliver his people and judge the wicked. Exemplifying the unique and genuine bond that arises through a shared faith and struggle, the Apostle Paul wrote to remind the beleaguered Thessalonians of their hope in Christ and to instruct them on how to carry on until he comes. Join us as we study these divinely inspired letters!